YuSU postgraduate student spoke at the XIII St. Petersburg International Gas Forum

YuSU postgraduate student Fyodor Evseev took part as a speaker in the XIII St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. The speaker spoke at the conference “Resources of Energy Leadership: Science, Technology, Personnel”, which was held on October 9-10 in St. Petersburg. We would like to add that the YuSU graduate student is also a member of the Youth Association of the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council (RNC WPC).

The conference program was focused on the consideration of a wide range of issues of interaction between science and oil and gas business, the contribution of fundamental science and applied research in offering effective responses to global challenges and changes. The conference participants discussed long-term benchmarks of energy development in Russia and the world, related scientific tasks and directions of technological development, as well as staffing needs of the oil and gas industry.

They also considered the specifics of interaction between universities and academic research centers, industry associations, and industry companies to identify and nurture talented young people, update the educational process and produce specialists who meet high modern criteria.

Fedor Evseev took part in the session “Young Leaders of Oil and Gas: Voices, Ideas, Actions”, which discussed the issues of studying current problems and opportunities of the oil and gas industry from the point of view of young professionals, development of initiatives and projects that will help to reveal the potential of young workers in the industry, as well as to attract and retain talented young professionals, formation of the agenda of the International Youth Forum from the representatives of Russia.

The postgraduate student of YuSU also presented the results of his research at other international conferences. In Novosibirsk at the XVI International Youth Scientific School-Conference “Theory and numerical methods for solving inverse and non-correct problems” Fedor Evseev presented the report “Solvability of the first initial boundary value problem for the system of quasihydrodynamic equations in the linearized case”. In Ufa at the XVIII Scientific and Technical Conference “Digital Technologies in Hydrocarbon Production: Modern Challenges” in the section “Technologies of Digital Core Analysis” Fyodor Evseev made a report “Experience of work on the subject of digital core research”. And took part in the International Scientific Conference “Ufa Autumn Mathematical School - 2024”, which was held on the basis of the Institute of Informatics, Mathematics and Robotics of UUNiT, with the report “Regular solvability of the first initial boundary value problem for quasihydrodynamics equations in the shallow water approximation”.


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