YuSU became a part of the Consortium for Climate Education

As part of the 28th Far Eastern Energy Forum “Sakhalin Oil and Gas”, Russian universities and research centers united into a scientific and educational consortium to develop initiatives in the field of Climate Education.

The new consortium includes: Yugra State University, Sakhalin State University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Morozov Voronezh State Forestry University, and the Russian State University of Science and Technology, Tyumen State University, N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Y.A. Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Climate Initiative Association of Organizations and Specialists in Climate Change, and RUSSiAN ALUMINIUM Management Joint Stock Company.

Among the challenges that the participants intend to address are expansion of networking, implementation of joint educational and scientific projects, expert support of educational programs of universities and other organizations willing to develop the topic of educational training of specialists in the field of the Consortium's activities.

“Joining the Consortium opens new opportunities to use the potential of each of the Consortium participants. This concerns promotion and development of scientific projects, possible development of new professional standards for specialists working in the field of carbon management, climate change and adaptation to it. Yugra State University is actively developing educational programs in this area, there is a great interest from the university's industrial partners, and our specialists are ready to share their accumulated experience. The creation of the Consortium is a step to a new level!”, - noted Roman Kuchin, Rector of Yugra State University.


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