Welcome to Yugra State University! Today parents and applicants could personally get acquainted with Yugra State University and our teachers, assess the technical equipment and learn about the training fields.
Each higher school prepared its own programme for the guests. For example, the Higher School of Ecology held an ecological quiz "Your Ecological Footprint" and presented the laboratories. The educational programmes of the Higher School are aimed at solving complex environmental problems. The students of the HSE get theoretical knowledge and practical skills working on real projects in the field of environmental protection, ecological design and natural resources management. The School is a subdivision of the SEC "Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change" (UNESCO Chair). Students participate in international projects on biodiversity conservation, environmental monitoring and assessment.
The Higher Oil School also organised tours of the laboratories, a master class on drilling mud preparation and primary oil processing, and a quiz "Oil Around Us". As the university is located in the largest oil and gas producing region, the Higher Oil School works closely with all oil and gas producing partners-companies. The school is opening new directions. Last year a new profile "Drilling" appeared at the bachelor's programme, this year the first intake to the master's programme under this profile will take place.
As well as the Polytechnic School, HOS supervises the YuSU Multidisciplinary College in its training areas. The Higher Oil School ranks 2nd in Russia in the Youth Labour Market rating in terms of demand for oil graduates.
The Higher School of Humanities conducted a tour of the Museum of Journalism and a master class " Tyubik, Masik, Shtrich or Chechik, how linguistics and philology can help in life". The Higher School of Psychology and Education held a game "Musical Quiz". This year the Higher School will start training students in two new directions: "Special (defectological) education (profile: Logopaedics)", "Pedagogical education with two training profiles (profile: Elementary Education and Informatics)".
The Engineering School of Digital Technologies held a quiz on digital technologies. The ESGT also demonstrated VR-technologies, robotics and UAVs to the guests.
The Polytechnic School prepared a tour for guests with elements of a masterclass in the laboratories "Immersion in the world of energy, construction and safety". The applicants also learnt for which achievements they can get additional points, as well as how and at which enterprises students get internships. "We have long-term agreements with enterprises that own power plants," replied Dmitry Osipov, head of the Polytechnic School, emphasising that our students receive advanced, technical education that is in demand by employers.
The Higher School of Digital Economy held an economic quiz and a business game "Multiplying Capital". It should be noted that the practice of the Higher School has included the defence of final qualification works in the format "Startup as a Diploma", performed by teams of students, which grow into a functioning business. "Entrepreneurial Boiling Points" collective work spaces have been created on the basis of the Higher School.
Each Higher School also organised a meeting with student activists, where the applicants were told in detail what additional extracurricular activities they can do at YuSU. Thus, active students of the university show themselves in science, volunteering, creativity and sports. The guests were also able to win the university merchandise.