Internet Olympiad in English for school students of 9-11 grades and students of secondary vocational education.
The procedure of the Olympiad:
Stage 1. Dates: 16-23 January 2024.
Registration on the site "System of pre-university support of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Yugra State University":
Stage 2. Date: 24 January 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00 local time.
Completing Olympiad assignments by the participants. The form of the 2nd stage - test. Duration: 90 minutes.
Stage 3. Date: 25 January 2024.
Summarising the results of testing, selection of finalists for participation in the creative stage.
Stage 4. Dates: 26 January - 28 January 2024.
Completing creative assignment, uploading it on the Olympiad page of the website:
Stage 5. Dates: 29-31 January 2024.
Selection of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad. Posting information about the results on the Olympiad page. Issuing electronic certificates in the personal accounts of the participants.
Contacts: Olga Khopiainen