International competition Miss Student of Finno-Ugria
The beauty contest is held among university students, members of the Association of Finno-Ugric Universities. The purpose of the event is to share cultures of the Finno-Ugric peoples, strengthen and preserve cultural ties and traditions.

Each educational organization of higher education can be represented by one student.
Participants shall have the passport and student ID. Each Participant shall be an intellectually and physically developed person, have a photogenic appearance, be well-built, have choreographic, acting and vocal skills, know crafts of indigenous  peoples whom represents.
To participate in the Competition each HEI has to provide the Organizing Committee (until April 15, 2019) with:
1. Application (in free form);
2. Photos of the Participant at least 5 pcs. in electronic form: portrait (2 pcs.) black and white and color photo, color photo in national full-length costume, color photo in modern full-length dress, other photos (2-3 pcs.) in JPEG format.
3. Documents for participation in the Competition should be sent to: Tel.: +7(3467) 357-748, +7(3467) 357-645.
The registration fee for participation in the Competition is 160 (One hundred sixty) EUR per delegate (including VAT – 27 EUR). The registration fee includes costs of food, accommodation of the Participant from 05/20/2019 to 05/25/2019.

Attention!  The competition is postponed until Autumn 2020. More information will be announced later.

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