24 September, 2014
Dear students and staff,
Yugra state university is organising the regional scientific and practical conference “Lake Baikal, the pearl of Russia”. The conference is aimed at improving the research work of the students and training the competent and creative specialists capable to influence the level of development of the region and the state in whole.
The work of the conference will be organised in the following sections:
1. The environmental concerns of the Baikal area
2. Mineral and raw material resources and the terrain of the Baikal area
3. Organized recreation and tourism of the area
We invite you to take part in the conference
The deadline for the papers is 1 September 2014.
Contact: bolshanikpetr@mail.ru , Pyotr Bolshanik
Phones: (3467)357563, 89088806313
The name of the file should include the surname of the author and the number of the section. The size of the article is up to 2 A4 pages of typed text at interval 1.
The proceedings have to cover the problem, practical experience of solving the problem and the ways of solving it, and the basic results. The most interesting materials of the conference will be published in the collection of scientific articles.
Название доклада печатается вверху первой страницы заглавными буквами с выравниванием по центру страницы. Далее, через 2 интервала, строчными буквами
Layout requirements:
- Name and surname of the author
- the country, city, educational institution, postal address, group and speciality (for the students) - all in parentheses
- body of the report: at 2 intervals below the title
- font size 12
- style: Normal for the text and Formula for the formulas
- interval 1
- fonts: Times New Roman Cyr and Symbol
- page numbers on the right
- line width no smaller than 0.4 mm
- references in the body of the text - in square brackets
- the formulas are numbered in round brackets
The conference strats work on 24 September, 2014, at 10 a.m.
Location: campus building 3, room 131 (ground floor)