YuSU students among the winners and prizewinners of the International Competition of Research Works on Creative Economy of Finno-Ugric Peoples

Yugra State University hosted the II International Student Research Works Competition "Creative Economy of Finno-Ugric Peoples: Young Scientists' View".

The event was organised by the Higher School of Digital Economy and co-organised by the SSS "Economics and Management".

The competition was held in five nominations, with winners and prizewinners in each of them.

Thus, in the nomination "Creative Economics: Evolution of Science and Society" the winner was Ekaterina Ivanova. The silver winner was Angelina Balash, and the bronze winner was Danil Julai.

"My work was on the topic "Analysing the dependence of the criteria for estimating the fertility rate and Finno-Ugric peoples on the region". My academic advisor chose the topic, but it also aroused interest in me to search for data to confirm the dependence of the topic. It was my first experience in such events, but I found it memorable," said Danil Julai.

Angelina Balash presented a research work on the topic: "Identification of factors influencing the birth rate of Finno-Ugric peoples": "It was interesting for me to participate in this event and to listen to the work of other students. I am also grateful to the jury members who recognised my efforts with an honourable second place. This is definitely a good experience to collect! The choice was made by my academic advisor, but I also liked the topic, as it revealed all aspects of the life of Finno-Ugric peoples, namely: the reasons why they have become classified as small indigenous groups and how this can be influenced in a positive way".

In the nomination "Digitalisation of Creative Industries" the second place went to Ekaterina Lyakhotskaya and the third to Svetlana Zubareva.


"My choice was on the topic 'Developing an online course on creative thinking'. I was told about the competition itself by my professor and at the same time my academic advisor - Ustyuzhantseva Anastasia Nikolaevna. The competition itself was held in a small auditorium, in a comfortable atmosphere. Since it was my first scientific performance at the university, it played a big role for me. Despite the fact that there was not much time for preparation, I received a third degree diploma, which I am very happy about," Sveta Zubareva said.

Adelina Yovik became the winner in the Best Practices of the National Creative Economy nomination, with Valeria Atarshchikova and Daria Makovoz taking third place.

"I spoke about how social practices help to develop the creative economy in Yugra. The competition was held in a standard manner. We made presentations, and afterwards the jury members asked us questions on our topics. I answered the questions well, which is why I was awarded first place. As for the report itself, it was about my already existing project to create a neighbourhood centre "If relatives are far away". After the Good Neighbourhood Festival, which I will hold using the Governor's grant money, I plan to create a neighbourhood centre, and in order to improve its work and convenience, I decided to present the idea of creating an application for a smart home and a smart neighbourhood centre, which will collect all the necessary functions for a modern city resident. In the app it will be possible to pay for housing and utility bills, watch CCTV cameras, submit complaints and suggestions to the Management Company, communicate with neighbours, sign up for Neighbourhood Centre events, exchange announcements and help. This app should become an internal community of the Residential Building, help bring people closer together and develop digitalisation in the city," said Adelina Jovik.

Valeria Atarshchikova worked in pair with her friend Daria Makovoz at this competition. Their topic was "Commercialisation of jointed dolls": "We were interested in the topic because we have friends who are engaged in this activity and we have been following famous artists who are developing in this direction for a long time. Our research work consists in the relevance and in leading articulated dolls to the market of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. The work was not long, as we are quite well familiar with the topic. At the contest itself we met a lot of talented children with innovative project and research works. We were very impressed by Adelina Jovik's work about an app for neighbours to keep in touch and share information. I hope that we will be able to participate in such projects in the future.

In the nomination "Creative Potential of Cities and Regions" Ruslan Shevchenko stood out, taking the first place and Irina Starodubtseva, taking the third place.

“Briefly, my work is focused on researching the creative industry in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, identifying measures for its financing and proposals for the development of the industry in the region in the foreseeable future. This topic was suggested to me by my academic advisor, Malika Lutaevna, and I just immersed myself in it and quickly realised how interesting it was," commented Ruslan Shevchenko.

Elza Amitova and Vladislav Parsho became bronze winners in the nomination "Key Trends in the Development of Creative Economy and Creative Industries".

Congratulations to the winners and prizewinners of the competition!

We would like to note that the event was held as part of the implementation in the form of subsidies from the federal budget to educational organisations of higher education for the implementation of activities aimed at supporting student research communities. The aim was to identify, form and realise the creative and intellectual potential of young people, to reveal and stimulate their abilities, to attract them to participate in scientific research and to develop their research skills.


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