YuSU linguistics students held events in foreign languages

Polyphony of languages. This week at YuSU we spoke English, German and French. Language days in the university were organised by 3rd and 4th year linguistics students.

German-English career guidance event for high school students of Khanty-Mansiysk was held by 3rd year students of the Higher School of Humanities Ksenia Korepina, Daniela Albu, Polina Tarasova, Polina Egoshina, Veronika Volodkovich, Nikita Orlovsky, Maxim Sarzhin, Varvara Achina, Maria Muromtseva and Julia Petrova. It took a month to prepare. The idea was suggested to the students by German language professors Natalia Miryugina and Anna Brovina.

The students designed the stations where pupils performed tasks - guessing words and riddles, dressing up as characters and reciting poems. The linguists themselves also designed the tokens and diplomas that the players received.

According to the students, the schoolchildren were very active and quickly completed the tasks. They enjoyed the stations and were happy to participate in the "Denglisch Stationenspiel" event. We would like to add that the students will also go to schools and gymnasiums in the okrug capital to play interactive games with schoolchildren.

A day earlier, YuSU hosted the Day of Francophonie, an international holiday that has been celebrated every year on 20 March since 1970. At YuSU, this holiday was a great opportunity for students and teachers to learn more about the culture of French-speaking countries and their traditions. Linguistics students came up with the idea and made videos. The participants of the holiday also had an opportunity to listen to songs in French performed by YuSU students - Nikita Orlovsky, who sang the song Joey Dassin - Et si tu n'existais pas, Veronica Litovchenko, who sang Barbara Pravi - Voilà.


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